How To Stop Setting Business Goals That Don’t Work

When I'm working with my clients and students, generally there is a transformation taking place.

They're at Point A and they want to get to Point B.

This can be a macro transformation:

I want to change my business model.

Or it can be a micro transformation:

I want to automate my sales process.

I am absolutely obsessed with helping people figure out exactly what transformation they want to undertake (big or small) and then helping them make it happen.

And I'm always so fascinated by what supports people to do the thing, take the steps, and make the change.

And what obstacles get in the way to make the transformation stickier, slower, or more painful.

Objectively, it seems so straightforward.

Set a goal, make a plan, take the steps, meet the goal.

But, more often than not it goes more like:

Set a goal, make part of the plan, take some steps, doubt the plan, change the plan, take more steps, start working on a new goal, think the original plan failed, start again next quarter with the same goal.

This is basically how I managed my business from 2017-2020.

This was honestly so infuriating to me.

I kept trying to accomplish the same things and kept feeling like I was failing.

I couldn't understand why I couldn't reach my goals.

I got to a point where I just couldn't keep banging my head against the wall in my business.

About two years ago I completely changed my approach to my work.

I stopped wasting time on the wrong things in my business.

I started to get strategic with my focus and my time.

In order to do this, I had to get REALLY honest about the goals I was setting. We often set goals on what we THINK we have to do or we set goals that are ADJACENT to what we really want (which is like choosing the long route.)

We either set goals that are too big that we allow space and time to endlessly fill between us and them or we set goals that are too small or not quite right and they don’t allow us to maintain the momentum we need to navigate the peaks and valleys of the journey.

What works for me:

  1. Getting SUPER clear on what I am ACTUALLY working towards.

  2. Choosing the most aligned and effective path to get there.

  3. Showing up and taking action (with much less resistance because of steps 1 and 2)

  4. Embracing the journey and finding joy, peace, fulfilment ON THE WAY

To make this more tangible for you:

Once I was very, very clear on what I was creating and the best path to get there for me, I started breaking things down into doable mini-action plans and tackling things in my business strategically, focusing on the highest leverage projects first.

I've found that I can get way more done and the projects I spend all my time on are in 100% alignment with what I want to be creating so it makes taking action so much easier.

What are you working on in your business right now? Can I help?

If you are looking for strategic and tactical support to get you from A-Z, I'd love to support you.


Why Planning + Action Don't Always Line Up