5 Steps To Getting Your Lead Magnet DONE

Likely you have "create a new lead magnet" on your to-do list.

I know this because lead magnets are one of those things that all online business owners get to create.

And not just once.

Over and over again.

We have to come up with new ways to talk about our work, speak to our ideal clients and offer different angles and ways to pique people's interest in working with us.

I want to shortcut this process for you and make it as strategic and high-leverage as possible.

Here are the 5-steps to getting your lead magnet DONE.

Step #1: Choose Your Lead Magnet Topic

You'll want to make sure you have a topic that is relevant to your ideal client and solves a problem or provides a quick win for something they are actively seeking to solve or shift.

When you’re thinking about what to create, a big trap to avoid is overcomplicating and giving TOO much. When it comes to lead magnet more value does not always mean better.

When people are just finding you and your lead magnet, they probably aren’t willing to invest a lot of time with you yet. So, the faster you’re able to deliver a shift, a takeaway, a win - the better.

It may seem counterintuitive but simple lead magnets (that are closely aligned to your paid offer) are often better.

Step #2: Design Your Lead Magnet

You'll want to design your lead magnet to choose the best medium for what your sharing or teaching as well as set it up to provide what they need to get the promised outcome.

While it’s not necessary to have the most perfect design, design IS important. It helps create an impression of your brand and design can make or break the EXPERIENCE of the lead magnet. Luckily it’s easy to create professional looking design with Canva.

For example, if a reader can’t read your font or there isn’t enough white space for them to digest what you’re communicating, you may lose them.

Simple and clear over complicated and fancy applies to design AND content.

Step #3: Write Your Nurture Sequence

You'll want to write emails to follow up with your new subscriber in a way that complements your lead magnet and progresses the relationship building process (while positioning your work and credibility.)

A good nurture sequence can be tricky.

You’ll want to balance sharing who you are, details about why you’re qualified to be speaking about the thing you’re speaking about with valuable and helpful information aligned with what that person signed up for.

In general, writing a minimum of two nurture emails to “onboard” someone onto your email list can be really helpful.

In my create and launch your lead magnet mini course, I give you a nurture sequence template with seven emails to walk you step-by-step through creating thoughtful, high-connection emails.

Step #4: Launch Your Lead Magnet

You'll want to get it all set up with a registration page, thank you page, and auto-deliver your lead magnet and nurture sequence (and you’ll want to test it to make sure it all works smoothly.)

Here is an example of the flow for launching your lead magnet:

5 Steps To Getting Your Lead Magnet DONE

Step #5: Promote Your Lead Magnet

You'll want to optimize your website, social bios, and promote your lead magnet far and wide. Here are a few things you can do to spread the word about your lead magnet:

  • Update your homepage header with a call to action to get your lead magnet

  • Add it to your website navigation bar

  • Create an announcement bar at the top of your site

  • Add it to your bio on your social media channels

  • Run a mini launch where you post and share it on each social media channel

  • Ask your peers to share it if appropriate

  • Talk about it on any public appearances

  • Add it to your website footer and/or blog sidebar if you have one


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