Are You Watering A Seed Of Doubt?

I've noticed a theme playing out recently in many of the people I'm talking to (friends, family, and clients alike)...




And some general wobbliness around what to do and/or how to be in business right now.

If there was even a seed of doubt before, it seems like that seed is being watered and nurtured right now.

Our minds are powerful.

We can focus on all the evidence for why we should doubt our direction and doubt our abilities.

We can focus on the "wrong turns" and the lessons learned as reasons to why maybe we're just not cut out to do this.

But, we can also focus on all the evidence for why we are 1000% cut out to do this.

For how it's all been adding up.

For how all those lessons learned have given us exactly what we need for the next level.

The thing about a seed of doubt is that it divides us.

If we're spending time and attention on plan B, plan A suffers...

Our attention is split.

Our resolve is split.

Our resourcefulness is split.

Our creativity is split.

So, my question for you today is:

Are you watering a seed of doubt?

And if so, can you turn your watering can to the hope seed just a little to the right? 😉


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