When You Think You’re Not Good Enough In Business

So, I've been doing a ton of market research over the past several months and it's been soo insightful...

I'm finally building the program that my clients and community have been asking me for and I wanted to be sure I'm solving the right problem in the right way (and I want to solve the whole problem, not just a puzzle piece).

And in doing all the research...

I've uncovered a sneaky mindset trap that I wanted to call out in case it helps you right now.

Ok, so this is one that people don't talk about that much but I've seen it over and over again.

Many many solopreneurs go through a phase where they feel like they haven't actually gotten any tangible results for their clients.

They've worked with clients.

They've done good work.

Clients are even happy.

But their clients aren't saying things like:

"You helped me make X amount of money" or "You save me X hours each week" or "You helped me transform my relationship with X."

Here's where the sneaky mindset trap comes in.

When things don't look how we want them to, it's easy to take that as evidence that we aren't good enough.

➡️ You could see a lack of mind-blowing testimonials from clients as evidence that you're not that good and your work doesn't get results and that Susie Jane with the best testimonials is better than you.


➡️ You could simply ask: "Hmmm, I wonder what I need to do to get my clients to articulate clearer results." or maybe even: "I wonder what needs to shift to get my clients more tangible results."

When something doesn't go as planned or look how we want it to, we can always use it as evidence that we're not good enough.

Or we can say...

Ok, now what?

What needs to shift?

When I launched my very first online course, I got feedback from a student that it was garbage and there is better free information online.

It stung, obviously.

But, instead of taking it as a sign that I'M not good enough - I just made it better (it's now Scattered to Streamlined - my most popular course).

It's not a fundamental flaw thing, it's a roll up your sleeves thing.

There's no world where you're not good enough to succeed.

If you want it, it's yours.

Amy x


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